The course for operators of Jumbo Drill and Scoop Sandvik drilling equipment will expand the knowledge of a group of graduates of the CFT of Tarapacá from the TNS in Geology and TNS in Mining careers, seeking to meet the needs of the sector and increase the employability of young people in the region.
In this regard, the Rector of the CFT, Froilán Ortiz, said that “through collaborative work with this important mining company, we want to ensure the quality and relevance of training in response to the needs of human capital in our region”. He also noted that as a result of this alliance, a CFT teacher is being part of a training program at the same mining site, both in the operation and maintenance of Scoop equipment, which is a training process that will then lead to the training of students and graduates of the Technical Formation Center.
In this context, our Human Resources Superintendent, Luis Vergara Pizarro, reiterated the mining company’s commitment to the development of the region and its inhabitants, since, currently, more than 80% of the personnel is from Arica.
“This is not going to be a single training course. We hope to do one or two courses per year. These are highly complex machines and we need our people to know how to operate the machines, keep the equipment available and with a high utilization rate, thus supporting productivity in the mine,” says Luis Vergara.
Fifteen graduates of the CFT of Tarapacá will participate in the operator training course, of which eight are women. The course will have an online part and a practical presential part. All those who achieve the necessary competencies to pass the course will be able to access the mining company’s workforce.
The Seremi of Mining, Mauricio Valencia Molina, valued the alliance, emphasizing that it has been celebrated to strengthen the work and knowledge in the mining field. “I would also like to emphasize that, in the case of Pampa Camarones Mining Site, the incorporation of women in its mining operations is something that we value and is part of the work and policies of the Ministry, and is something that we have promoted in the Mining Women’s Roundtable, together with the Seremi of Women and Gender Equity, María José Palma Núñez, with whom we work precisely on the inclusion of women in all areas of work”.