Seawater Pump System (SIAM).
Mining processes require significant amounts of water to operate, but water is a scarce resource that we must take care of for future generations. For this reason, Pampa Camarones took the challenge of building the "Seawater Pump System" (SIAM) that captures water from the Pacific Ocean in the coastal sector of Punta Madrid.
The water, obtained in the area of Punta Madrid, climbs a slope of more than 1,000 meters and is driven by 12 km, through a 160 mm pipe, and it is deposited in a seawater storage pond of 14,000 m3, located in the cathode plant, at the altitude of 860 m.a.s.l.
26 months
In building

The first pumping station is located in the water adduction area, approximately 50 meters offshore, and is equipped with two pumps of 170 kW each, with a driving capacity of 94 m3/h (or 26 lt/s), mounted on a semi-submersible platform.

The second station is located at heights 348 and 1022 masl, consisting of two high- pressure, 450 kW multi-stage horizontal centrifugal pumps (one in operation and the other in stand-by). The water is driven through a flexsteel type steel pipe between the elevation 348 and 1022 masl and then to the storage pond.
Seawater Pump System (SIAM).
Mining processes require significant amounts of water to operate, but water is a scarce resource that we must take care of for future generations. For this reason, Pampa Camarones took the challenge of building the "Seawater Pump System" (SIAM) that captures water from the Pacific Ocean in the coastal sector of Punta Madrid.
The water, obtained in the area of Punta Madrid, climbs a slope of more than 1,000 meters and is driven by 12 km, through a 160 mm pipe, and it is deposited in a seawater storage pond of 14,000 m3, located in the cathode plant, at the altitude of 860 m.a.s.l.
26 months
In building

The first pumping station is located in the water adduction area, approximately 50 meters offshore, and is equipped with two pumps of 170 kW each, with a driving capacity of 94 m3/h (or 26 lt/s), mounted on a semi-submersible platform.

The second station is located at heights 348 and 1022 masl, consisting of two high- pressure, 450 kW multi-stage horizontal centrifugal pumps (one in operation and the other in stand-by). The water is driven through a flexsteel type steel pipe between the elevation 348 and 1022 masl and then to the storage pond.
Use of seawater
It was determined to use seawater, as it is the most sustainable alternative, desisting from cheaper alternatives that bring higher negative impacts to the region.
Likewise, the choice of Punta Madrid for the adduction of water, over other places such as Caleta Camarones or Caleta Vítor, was taken based on our project to carry out a sustainable mining, despite representing in this case a greater technical complexity and implementation cost.
As for the use of seawater, a portion is directly driven for the irrigation of leach pads. Another part will be treated in an RO plant, where a part of the water will be able to be treated and used in the facilities of the office area and services to the personnel; while another portion will be demineralized for its use in the areas of solvent extraction and electrowinning.
Use of seawater, a sustainable decision
It was determined to use seawater, as it is the most sustainable alternative, desisting from cheaper alternatives that bring higher negative impacts to the region.
Likewise, the choice of Punta Madrid for the adduction of water, over other places such as Caleta Camarones or Caleta Vítor, was taken based on our project to carry out a sustainable mining, despite representing in this case a greater technical complexity and implementation cost.
As for the use of seawater, a portion is directly driven for the irrigation of leach pads. Another part will be treated in an RO plant, where a part of the water will be able to be treated and used in the facilities of the office area and services to the personnel; while another portion will be demineralized for its use in the areas of solvent extraction and electrowinning.